Monday, December 19, 2011

Teen Totes Done-In-A-Day (DIAD): Santa’s Workshop at the JLC Office!

The Junior League of Calgary (JLC) and its members helped bring holiday cheer this season to 350 Calgary teens by providing tote bags filled with both must-have personal hygiene items as well as many “fun” items. On December 6 members joined the 2011 Fall Provisional Class at the JLC 
office to assemble the totes and get into the holiday spirit with festive music and some of Nikki’s delicious treats!
Totes were filled with hand sanitizer, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, shampoo, store gift cards, movie passes, library cards, candy canes, granola bars, gloves, toques, agendas, Hitmen tickets, bus passes, swim passes, eye exam certificates and other miscellaneous items. They will be distributed to the teen clients of The Alex Youth Health Centre and various Community Resource Centers via the efforts of Drew Brown of Saint Jude’s Health Management Institute.
We were honoured to have as our special guests Drew Brown, and Kate Hawksworth and Judy McCuaigh from The Alex Youth Health Care Center and prospective Winter Provisional Emily Wood! 
Teen Tote "stuffers" with some of the 350 bags prepared during the DIAD
Thank you to all the generous donors of the 2011 Teen Totes!
Pick up of the Totes for distribution to Calgary area teens

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