Friday, December 23, 2011

Joan Crocker Community and Civic Leadership Award

Deborah Maw (far left), former CFJL Coordinator, holds a
photo of Joan Crocker as CFJL leadership gather behind
a quilt crafted by members of Joan's family. This quilt
will be incorporated into each Leagues' annual Joan
Crocker Community and Civic Leadership Award

A leader is a person who influences a group of people toward the achievement of their goals. Sadly, The Junior League lost a remarkable leader with the passing of Joan Crocker (National Director of the CFJL from 2005-2007) on December 24, 2010. In Joan’s memory, as well as to foster and honour exemplary volunteer community and civic leadership, the Canadian Federation of Junior Leagues is pleased to introduce the Joan Crocker Community and Civic Leadership Award. Following in Joan’s style, award recipients will be actively engaged in their respective Leagues while they embrace and demonstrate exemplary volunteer community and civic leadership.
The Award will come into effect in this 2011-2012 Junior League year. The five annual award recipients will be one member from each of the Canadian Junior Leagues (Halifax, Toronto, Hamilton-Burlington, Calgary and Edmonton). All actively participating Junior League members in good standing are eligible candidates. Each Canadian Junior League will determine its own recipient according to the specific criteria outlined for the Award.

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