Monday, December 19, 2011

President's Message - Remembering 2011

Alice Gardner-Boreta

As the “old” year passes and the “new” year is about to begin, it is a 
time for the traditional reflection on the previous 365 days.  Well, we 
can certainly remember and be proud that 2011 was:

A year of continuing our Community Impact!

As part of our Healthy & Active Living Issue Area, we continued to implement the MUM (Moms U Matter) program at Highbanks Society and the Treasure Trunk Program at Brenda’s House with the Children’s Cottage Society.  The City of Calgary again asked us to participate in their annual Safety Expo at City Hall in March, we held two meetings with our amazing Community Advisory Panel, and we distributed three Bursary Awards for tuition expenses to Highbanks Society residents.

A year in which our Provisional Classes continued our two seasonal projects!

The Winter 2011 Provisional Class implemented our sixth annual Kids in the Kitchen (KITK) event in May (the international KITK initiative is based on the former JLC “Junior Chefs” project!), and the Fall 2011 Provisional Class organized another  fantastic Teen Totes Project, providing 350 totes for deserving Calgary teens!

A year of other very special events!

We held our Past President’s Luncheon in April; an advanced screening in early August of the movie “The Help”; the Cupcake Social recruitment event in mid-August; the September Welcome Back DIAD and Social, an evening of five and ten pin bowling, with funds being donated to KidSport Calgary; another lovely Christmas Luncheon in November; and a special Holiday Social put on this month by the Membership Team.

General Meetings

January focused on early literacy with guest speakers Steacy Collyer, a JLC Past President and Executive Director of Calgary Reads, and her colleague Madeleine Baerg; February’s guest speaker was Cecilia de la Rocha, Executive Director of Highbanks Society speaking on “Holistically Supporting Calgary’s Parenting Youth”;  March celebrated National Nutrition Month with the meeting being led by Active member and Registered Dietician Dani Flowerday; April celebrated National Volunteer Week with Past President Dariel Bateman as our guest speaker; and May was once again our Annual Celebration and Awards Dinner.  September’s GM welcomed us back to another exciting JLC year, with emphasis on “Women as Community and Civic Leaders”. In this vein our guest speaker at the October Annual General Meeting was Bobbie Sparrow, who, among many other accomplishments, is a former Member of Parliament as well as a Past President of the JLC, and in November we were truly inspired by the remarks of Community Leader and JLC Past President Barb Francis.

A year of continued Training!

Never forgetting our mission to develop the potential of women, in January we held a Retreat for the Winter 2011 Provisional Class; a Welcome Dinner and “basic training” in September for the Fall 2011 Provisional Class; and in October Sustainer Melinda Pearson offered DiSC training to members of the 2010 - 2011 Fall and Winter Provisional classes. There was more training for JLC board and active members at both AJLI Leadership Conferences and Northwest Exchange, and AJLI began its new on-line training curriculum, “Webinar Wednesdays”, for all JL members.  Various function-based training was also offered within the Calgary community. 

Happy Holidays and see you in 2012!

Alice Gardner-Boreta

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