Friday, October 1, 2010

Junior League of Calgary signs a Memorandum of Agreement with Children's Cottage Society!

On September 29, 2010, the Junior League of Calgary signed a Memorandum of Agreement with Children's Cottage Society to begin our partnership on the Treasure Trunk Program at Brenda's House. Children’s Cottage Society/Brenda’s House is the sheltering component of a "Housing First / Re-Housing" program that serves families experiencing temporary homelessness.  The aim of the program is to have a repertoire of developmentally appropriate learning and engagement activities that will be delivered twice a month to those parents and children in residence at the time.

Back row: Rosemarie D'Avella, part of Brenda's House Program Planning Group; Carrie Kerr Team- Lead - Child Support Program,  Brenda's House;  Marilou Mitchell, Angela Hutchinson and Kathy Deyell, part of Brenda's House Program Planning Group
Front row: Patty Kilgallon, Executive Director of Children's Cottage Society; Alice Gardner-Boreta, President, Junior League of Calgary

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