Monday, October 18, 2010

JLC Provisional Members Kick Off Their Training at a Class Retreat!

The 2010 Fall Provisional Class Retreat was held at Brenda Christensen’s home on Wednesday, September 15. The evening started off with an amazing meal prepared by our social committee of Jane Abboud, Brenda Christensen, and Cyndi Cox.

The provisional class was introduced to the Junior League of Calgary (JLC) through presentations from Alice Gardner-Boreta, President; Carol Smith; Philippa Gear, VP Membership; Lynne Christensen, VP Finance; Marilou Mitchell, Co-Vice President, Community and Marla Grant, Provisional Class Chair. After these presentations, the new class was introduced to their project: preparing the Teen Totes which they will tackle in the coming months.

A big thank you to Brenda Christensen for allowing us to use her beautiful home for the event and a special thank you to our presenters.

Welcome to the 2010 Fall provisional class ….

Jennifer Cox, Kate Hanna, Lauren Hynes, Elaine Tsekouras and Robyn Webb.

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