Monday, October 4, 2010

Brenda's House Treasure Trunk Program Begins!

Brenda's Treasure Trunk Program project began with its first event last Wednesay evening, and the impact was already being felt by participants.  Read JLC volunteer Susan Cruess' impressions:

"I attended the first session for the Treasure Trunk program on September 29th. It was great fun to interact with the kids as I helped with the craft activity. As we were leaving, one of the staff members told us that a 9 year old boy wanted to share something with us. I can’t quote him exactly but he told us that "I had a good day - I got to school and back on time. We had the Terry Fox run and I made some friends. Thanks for the activities tonight – they were a lot of fun".  As he left the room with a big smile on his face, the staff member said that nothing could make her happier than that simple statement. As we reflected on the small things that can brighten a child’s life, many of us had tears in our eyes." - Susan Cruess

For more information on the Brenda's House Treasure Trunk Program, click here

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