Wednesday, April 18, 2012

President's Message - National Volunteer Week 2012

The 69th National Volunteer Week (NVW) pays tribute to the millions of Canadian volunteers who graciously donate their time and energy to improving their communities. This year's NVW takes place the week of April 15-21 and it is Canada's largest celebration of volunteers, volunteerism, and civic participation
Volunteering is part of our identity as Canadians – we value civic participation and embrace a spirit of community. In the latest Canada Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating Data, we see that 13.3 million Canadian volunteers contribute 2.1 billion total hours to their country, with younger Canadians delivering the highest volunteer rate of any group.
The work of volunteers is essential to maintaining healthy, dynamic communities at home and around the world. National Volunteer Week is all about taking time to recognize the incredible contributions of Canada’s volunteers and letting them know how much their efforts are appreciated.
In this spirit we want to once again recognize, honour, salute and thank all of you for the tremendous time and talents you bring to our organization, the Calgary community, the nation and the world at large!
The Junior League: Women Around the World as Catalysts for Lasting Community Change!
                                                                                                                                   Alice Gardner-Boreta
For more information visit:
National Volunteer Week at
Imagine Canada at
Volunteer Alberta at                
Volunteer Calgary at

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