Thursday, April 19, 2012

Jennifer Pollock Addresses Members at the March General Meeting

Jennifer Pollock

Jennifer Pollock, JLC Sustainer and Calgary community and civic leader, informed and entertained members as the guest speaker at the March 19 General Meeting.   Drawing on her JLC Active experience, Jennifer related what she regards as the skills and experience she gained from the League that have influenced her ensuing work in the law and her numerous community and civic positions.
The Junior League of Calgary is all about change according to Jennifer, but while working toward community change, she has made it a trademark to ensure her actions are consistent with her values and to clearly communicate that message.
Jennifer values the learning that occurs and relationships established between women in the League.  Although it’s been 20 years since she moved from Active to Sustainer status, she credits a number of JLC members for greatly influencing her journey since then.
It was during a JLC General Meeting that Jennifer heard Sheldon Chumir, a respected Calgary lawyer, politician and civil liberties and rights leader, speak.  It was her question to him during that meeting that eventually led him to encourage Jennifer to run as a Liberal Party candidate for MP in several Calgary ridings. 
In closing, Jennifer encouraged members to use their time in the JLC to develop their strategy for community impact and to meet and establish relationships with League members and community influencers.
Lynne Christensen

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