Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Treasure Trunk Training Day at Junior League of Calgary

Showing how to create kaleidoscopes during 
KARTS training
On Saturday, January 28, the Junior League of Calgary hosted a Treasure Trunk training workshop for staff and volunteers of Brenda’s House and the Children’s Cottage Society of Calgary and JLC members. The Brenda’s House Program Planning Group (PPG) were the key trainers.  Attendees learned how JLC programs are developed, the history of the Treasure Trunk program and program elements that have worked well and not so well. Each attendee participated in the Treasure Trunk sessions of Babies in the Story (BITS), Kids in the Story (KITS), Kids in Motion & Music (KIMM), Kids in the Kitchen (KITK) and Kids in the Arts (KARTS).  
Participants are put through their
paces in KIMM
When asked what the training day meant to them participants comments were:
l Educational
l Interactive
l Creative
l Practical
l Show of teamwork
l Opportunity to experience activities from a child’s point of view
l Fun, fun, fun!
l Impressive organization of the day
l Feel more prepared to volunteer at the Treasure Trunk program
l Easy to understand the components and implement them into other programs
Learning during the KITK segment of training
l Well developed curriculum with every idea piloted and redesigned to be useful
l The background work done by the JLC will have a lasting effect on current and future programming at Brenda’s House and throughout the Children’s Cottage Society

To view the “Treasure Trunk Training Presentation” PowerPoint go to the Members’ Only section of the JLC website and click on the Community tab.
Demonstrating some of the activities used
in the BITS segment of the Treasure
Trunk program
Thank you to all the members of the Brenda’s House PPG for implementing such a thoughtful, well-organized and fun training opportunity for both our JLC members and our Community Partners.  Thank you also to JLC’s Office Administrator Wendy Baillie for preparing the materials that were given to all the participants.
Learning about the KITS segment

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