Alice Gardner-Boreta JLC President |
As you are all hopefully aware by now, a major theme for The Association of Junior Leagues International (AJLI), and the theme of many of our General Meetings this year, has been “JL Women as Community and Civic Leaders”. These women have been and are inspirational public figures in one way or another, motivating other JL members by their active community involvement, whether locally, nationally or internationally.
If you visit the AJLI website ( from the Home Page click on News Room and then on Civic Leadership, you will find a list of some of these women, all of whom hold or have held a powerful position outside The Junior League, or have received a Junior League award in the past, or just have something very special about them. The only thing missing on the current list, from our point of view, is that it doesn’t include any Canadian women!
Bobbie Sparrow |
Well, that is about to change, as JLC Past President (1969) and Sustainer Bobbie Sparrow was recently interviewed for a piece in the AJLI publication “connected” and will be added to the list very soon! The article is entitled “Sustainable Assets: Bobbie Sparrow: A Woman of Many Interests”. It is a superb interview and describes how Bobbie parlayed her experiences in the JLC and in business, philanthropy and volunteer services into a career in politics, ultimately rising to office in the Canadian Parliament’s House of Commons.
You can access the article via the AJLI website Home Page and wait for the article title and Bobbie’s picture to appear on the scroll and click on it, or via the following link:
We are so proud to have all of you Junior League women, Actives and Sustainers, past and present, associated with our outstanding organization!
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