Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Moms U Matter (MUM) Program at HIghbanks Society

JLC members (L to R): Sharyl  Madigan,
 Philippa Gear and Donna Fan 

The Junior League of Calgary partners with Highbanks Society to implement a program to help young mothers learn about “Healthy and Active Living” through the practice of good nutrition and physical activity.  These moms live at Highbanks, which provides a safe, stable and affordable place for them to stay while they complete their educations and outline plans for their specific educational, career and personal goals.
Moms prepare a meal as part of the 
MUM Program at Highbanks Society
The theme at the October session was “Fall Savoury Flavours.” The moms made Pinto Bean Tortilla Soup and baked oatmeal cookies for dessert. Philippa Gear pre-baked Cheddar Biscuits, which were served with the soup. The meal was delicious, and any leftovers were taken home by the moms.  We presented three main topics at this session:  “Adding Fibre to your diet ", Why and how to “deglaze" and the "Difference between Parchment and Wax paper". The gifts for this session were a Brown Sugar Bear Disc, a Pastry Blender and Parchment Paper.
Thank you to JLC members Donna Fan, Alice Gardner-Boreta, Philippa Gear and Sharyl Madigan for helping with the session.
The six future MUM sessions scheduled for this year will continue to be delivered at the newly remodelled kitchen at Highbanks Society.

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