Tuesday, November 8, 2011

JLC Sustainers - We Need Your Help With our Archives!

JLC Past Presidents and Sustainers Marlene Doherty (L)
and Jeri Sherban working on the JLC archives

The JLC is working to update and re-organize its archives – both what we have at the office and to update our archive file at the Glenbow Museum, which only contains items through 1986.
We will be delighted to receive anything you wish to pass on – issues of the Lasso, JLC rosters and/or Whitebooks, board and/or committee minutes, pictures or documents related to our various community projects, programs or events over the years, the Next-To-New Shop, etc., etc.!
In particular, our own archives appear to be lacking:
l Copies of JLC rosters for the years 1957-1958 and 1959 -1960
l Copies of all editions of the “Lasso” for the decade of the ‘90’s
So we encourage you to check your closets, attics and basements for any of these items and donate them back to the League.  All items can be delivered to our office during office hours.  If that is not possible, we will be more than happy to come by and pick them up!
Thank you in advance for your help!

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