Thursday, June 21, 2012

Alice Gardner-Boreta Wraps Up JLC Presidency

2010-2012 JLC President Alice Gardner-Boreta (L)
receives a thank you gift from incoming
 President Lynne Christensen 
The Annual Celebration Dinner on May 28 was the final "official" event of Alice Gardner-Boreta's two-year term as President of the Junior League of Calgary. We thank Alice for her dedication in this role. She has also provided 10 years of committed service to our League and is now a sustaining member, but she won't be idle! The closing of this chapter leads to the opening of another as Alice begins to serve as the newly-elected International Director on The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. (AJLI)  Board of Directors. Congratulations to Alice on this new challenge.

1 comment:

  1. I have enjoyed working with you Alice! Congratulations on your new position!
