Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Ann McCaig Speaks of Volunteering and JL Women as Catalysts for Lasting Community Change

Ann McCaig speaking at the JLC's February
General Meeting
JLC Sustainer and community and civic leader Ann McCaig engaged JLC members at our February General Meeting with her truly inspirational and motivating talk on the importance of volunteering and its impact on our community and the quality of life in Canada, as well as how the Junior League can have such an equally significant impact on one’s life.
Ann’s message was loud and clear - “Do the things you think you cannot do!”  As she took us through her life’s volunteering journey, she constantly showed by example how one person can make a difference.  Her life has been one of many blessings mixed with many personal challenges.  However, she has volunteered in her community throughout it all, including serving on many high-profile boards within Alberta and taking a leadership position on quite a few of them.
Ann McCaig and Alice Gardner-Boreta
Ann attributes the “leadership training” she received from her years spent with the JLC to her successes in the years that followed.  She made mention of all the lasting friendships she made while in the League, as well as developing discipline and a great work ethic.
She stressed the theme of “team work” and how much more can be accomplished when individuals come together united by a common vision.  She spoke of many projects she has helped deliver to the community that have had lasting impact.  As well, Ann has helped raise millions of dollars for various charitable organizations with her “Can Do” attitude and her “Stir-up” training – a reference to the great “Stir-Up” events held by the JLC earlier in its 61 year history! 
Ann closed her remarks by encouraging all of those present to continue to work together as volunteers, exemplifying the Junior League Vision of “Women Around the World as Catalysts for Lasting Community Change”.

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