Friday, April 29, 2011

Active Kids!

On May 3 we will be holding our sixth annual Kids in the Kitchen (KITK) event, an Association of Junior Leagues International (AJLI) initiative based on our former Junior Chefs project. KITK focuses on teaching youngsters nutritious eating habits and the importance of physical activity throughout one’s life.

The Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines are based on the concept that daily physical activity provides impressive health benefits for our youngsters. For both children 5 to 11 and youth 12 to 17, the guidelines are the same: accumulate at least 60 minutes of age-appropriate moderate-to-vigorous-intensity physical activity daily. This could include moderate activities like bike riding and playground fun and more vigorous efforts such as running, swimming, skating, rollerblading and organized sports.

And healthy physical activity needs to start early - children under five require unstructured play and time outdoors for their physical, cognitive and emotional development. Obesity in Canadians under six is rising. National data shows that 15.2% of two to five year-olds are overweight and 6.3% are obese. Children who become obese before the age of six are likely to be obese later in childhood and have an increased risk of being obese as adults.
  • What are some things outside of school that we can do to increase our children’s level of physical activity? How about:taking them to a playground after school
  • in winter go sledding in the park
  • if possible, walk, bike, rollerblade or skateboard to school
  • take them to a gym for organized sports or a fitness class
  • organize a neighbourhood game of basketball or hockey after dinner
  • and reduce the time in front of the ―screen‖!
So with our Issue Area of Healthy and Active Living, we encourage everyone to ―get moving‖!

Alice Gardner-Boreta,
President, Junior League of Calgary

For more information visit:
- Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology at
- Active Healthy Kids Canada at
- Kids in the Kitchen at for some children’s games and activities

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